Using Art
to Honor the Ultimate Artist
Visual Arts
Drawing to the Rock live performances are a fresh and creative way to communicate the truth of God's Son, Jesus Christ. Kerry's live worship art will enhance your church or school's worship and lead your audience to visually experience God in a powerful way.
Kerry has many programs of varying lengths, and is open to producing just one piece of art or multiple images. He has many images in his portfolio, but can also create a one-of-a-kind piece of art for your specific worship theme.
Kerry can also work with your choir or praise band, bring his own soundtracks, or he can even illustrate your sermon while you preach!
There are no set fees for a live Drawing to the Rock Performance! Simply cover travel expenses, lodging, plus an honorarium or love offering, and shipping costs for art supplies (if necessary) to and from the event.
The calendar fills up quickly, so book now!
Dramatic Arts

Imagine what it might have been like to be the person commanded to make the sign that hung on the cross above Jesus Christ. The Signmaker - A Reluctant Scribe is a creative arts presentation that helps us understand the magnitude of that sign. Using reader's theater, dramatic monologue, and visual art, John Bryant and Kerry Jackson have collaborated to bring you this unique interpretation of something very profound.
There are no set fees for a live Drawing to the Rock Performance! Simply cover travel expenses, lodging, plus an honorarium or love offering, and shipping costs for art supplies (if necessary) to and from the event.
The calendar fills up quickly, so book now!
About Kerry
Kerry was born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi. Kerry came to know Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior at the age of nine. Early in his childhood he discovered his passion for art. After several years working in the art industry, he committed his life to ministry. Kerry now travels all over the world communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ using visual art.
Kerry and his wife Twyla have been married since 1980, and currently live in Marietta, GA.

- Bachelor of Arts degree in Painting from Mississippi State University
- Masters of Communication Arts degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Exhibit Designer with the Home Mission Board (North American Mission Board)
- Pastor and Planter of 3 churches in Atlanta and Indianapolis
- Evangelism Catalyst Missionary in Marietta, GA

Kristy Byers
"Kerry Jackson is an amazing artist who uses his art and his ministry, Drawing to the Rock Ministries, to point others to Christ. Kerry came to our church as part of our missions emphasis. I have never seen my church family respond to anyone as they did to Kerry’s ministry. Having Kerry at your church will be an experience and blessing that you will never forget."
Tom Resue
"I have had the privilege of working with Kerry at several different events and have witnessed his talent first hand. The experience is simply amazing! Not only watching his as he paints, but observing the people watching him. They sit almost motionless with there eyes and attention fixed firmly on Kerry and what he is doing. There are people who have the gift of art, and can paint or draw beautiful pictures, but when Kerry paints he does so with power and authority. It's just one of those things that you to see! What a incredible blessing it is to know such a talented man."
Todd Briggs
"I have seen Kerry paint several times. Each time I sense the anointing of God on his work. I'm drawn closer to God through his art. I rejoice as others experience who God is as Kerry paints. I have been a part of a lot of worship experiences, but few have impacted people like Kerry's painting does. Both his life and his art give glory to God!"
Jack Eason
"I've seen Kerry Jackson deliver his art in worship many times. To say that it moves me to the core is an understatement. He is truly gifted. He allows God to use his gifts in incredible ways to literally paint God's glory. All that is good, but what I love most about Kerry is his heart to minister and use his gifts to draw people closer to the Lord."
Rodney Frieden
"As a preacher, I love what Kerry does and so does my congregation! Art can speak volumes beyond any words and Kerry's work does just that! Where words fail, the canvas does not. Where emotion is needed, the paintbrush fills in."
Contact Kerry

Basic Contact
1704 Summit Village Lane
Marietta, GA 30066